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German Level 2


Chapter 1 - Clock Time

  1. Clock Time

  2. Clock Time 24 hours

  3. Hours and Minutes

  4. School Subjects and Timetable

Chapter 2 - Hobbies

  1. My Hobbies

  2. Verb Conjugations

  3. Repetition Interval

Chapter 3 - My House

  1. My House - Rooms

  2. My House Objects

  3. Colors and Description

Chapter 4 - Professions, Countries and Languages

  1. Professions

  2. Names of Countries

  3. Languages

Chapter 5 - Mealtimes

  1. Essen und Trinken: Wortschatz und Adjektive

  2. Personalpronomen im Akkusativ

  3. Verben im Akkusativ

Chapter 6 - Clothing

  1. Clothing items

  2. Clothing and Accessories

  3. Adjectives and Personal Pronouns in Akusative case

Chapter 7 - Daily Routine

  1. Daily Routine

  2. Separable Verb Conjugations

  3. Separable Verbs Usage

Chapter 8 - Illnesses

  1. die Körperteile

  2. Illnesses

  3. Medicines and Remedies

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